Friday, January 20, 2006
Our Revolution (Apropos of N. Sukhanov's Notes) - V. I. Lenin
They all call themselves Marxists, but their conception of Marxism is impossibly pedantic. They have completely failed to understand what is decisive in Marxism, namely, its revolutionary dialectics. They have even absolutely failed to understand Marx's plain statements that in times of revolution the utmost flexibility is demanded,[A] and have even failed to notice, for instance, the statements Marx made in his letters — I think it was in 1856 — expressing the hope of combining the peasant war in Germany, which might create a revolutionary situation, with the working-class movement[B] — they avoid even this plain statement and walk around and about it like a cat around a bowl of hot porridge.
To read the rest of the article, click HERE.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
US Bombing of Pakistani Villages
Real change can come about only with the recognition that this act ofviolation of the national sovereignty of our country is a product ofthe imperialist war system. Therefore, the only way the people cancreate meaningful national sovereignty is by opposing the imperialistsystem that in turn is a product of the monopoly stage of capitalism.Communists are the only political force in the last century to haveconsistently opposed imperialism and won significant victories. Thisis because only communists recognize the intricate connection betweenthe class system and the system of imperialist war. Whether we lookat Vietnam, Cuba, Korea, or China, societies that have successfullychallenged imperialism and liberated themselves have done so onlyunder the leadership of scientific socialism and Marxist-Leninistparties.
We appeal to the people of Pakistan to channel their anger into theformation of an organized progressive anti-imperialist liberationmovement. That is the only way forward towards real and meaningfulchange.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Balochistan on fire
Down with national oppression!!!
For more information, please follow following links:
Marxism and National Question - J. V. Stalin
Gwader and China angle
Communists and Baloch Nationalism
Monday, January 16, 2006
Cuba to the rescue
I am posting an article that was written by Kamila Hyat for the DAWN Magazine and was published by them on
Visitors from across the divide
AT present, some 900 Cuban medical personnel, including over 500 doctors and 400 paramedics, continue to offer their services to quake victims in Azad Kashmir and affected areas of the North West Frontier Province. The Cubans, known around the world for their expertise in emergency situations and in trauma care, had volunteered 500 doctors within hours of the October 8 quake. The offer from
[Henry Reeve Interanational Madical Contingent is a brigade of doctors ready to participate in relief work of humanitarian crises. Moreover, Cuban doctors are serving in more than 67 countries around the globe.]
While the work of the Cuban teams, who swiftly established field hospitals after arriving, has been widely praised by the locals, the presence of the 900-plus Cubans has also exposed the extent to which communism still strikes terror in the heart of the State. The Cubans, whose presence on the ground was reportedly opposed by
[These doctors, in their true professional spirit, said that they are in
In places, such as Balakot, where interaction between English-speaking locals and volunteers, and the Cubans, apparently increased after the frenetic initial days of the quake, the Cubans were in some cases forced by authorities to pack their camps and move to more remote, mountain areas, where, perhaps, it was thought there was less potential for an exchange of views.
The almost farcical situation reflects the plight of a State which is well aware that it has done little for its people, and terrified at the prospect that they may become more conscious of this through dialogue with the citizens of a State that has done a great deal more.
[Some inaccuracies in the data: infant mortality rate in
Crucially, 50 per cent of the Cuban medics in
[There are very interesting news from the earth-quake hit areas. Many people are naming their babies on the name of the Cuban doctor who helped in delivery of the baby. More interestingly, one baby was named '
The young NGO volunteers who have interacted with Cubans have also found the experience eye-opening, in more ways than one. Some of the young Cuban doctors have quite openly been dismayed at the conditions of life for ordinary Pakistani people — the lack of proper housing, sanitation, healthcare or schooling — even in ordinary times. In turn, the accounts given by the Cubans regarding services available in their country has forced Pakistanis to think longer and deeper as to why similar facilities are not available to them, given the fact that the tiny
It is as such no surprise that the State of Pakistan is anxious to prevent this information being disseminated, and has as such made every possible effort to restrict contact between the Cuban visitors and those they have come to assist in a time of crisis.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
History of Communist Movement in Pakistan
This article was presented to Socialist Labour Party public meeting on 27/09/01.
APTUF Appeal
- The cancellation of the foreign debt which is not the debt of the people of Pakistan
- The immediate halt to the servicing of the debt.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Crimes of Capitalists
The Red Flag
The Red Flag - Joe Hill
The people's flag is deepest red,
It shrouded oft our martyred dead,
And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold,
Their hearts' blood dyed its every fold.
Then raise the scarlet standard high!
Within its shade we'll live or die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.
It waved above out infant might,
When all ahead seemed dark as night;
It witnessed many a deed and vow
We must not change its colour now.
It well recalls the triumphs past,
It gives the hope of peace at last;
The banner bright, the symbol plain,
Of human right and human gain.
It suits today the weak and base,
Whose minds are fixed on self and place;
To cringe before the rich man's frown,
And haul the sacred emblem down.
With heads uncovered swear we all,
To bear it onward till we fall;
Come dungeon dark or gallows grim,
This song shall be out parting hymn.
Then raise the scarlet standard high!
Within its shade we'll live or die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Evo Morales
Editorial Board of En Marcha
Central Organ of the Marxist Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador (PCMLE)
(December 21, 2005)
The electoral victory of Evo Morales in the last elections is a political phenomenon that one could see coming, but the final results notably surpassed the predictions and polls that said that the candidate of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) would obtain 38% of the electorate.
This victory is part of the democratic, progressive and left-wing current that is taking shape in the Latin American countries, shown in various electoral processes and in the development of the struggle of the workers and peoples fighting for change; it is the answer to three decades of structural adjustment policies imposed by the International Monetary Fund and by governments submissive to U.S. policies that have notably affected the conditions of life of the Bolivians.
Morales knows how to concentrate popular feeling and he has raised a political proposal that contradicts the one defined by the United States for the region. He proposes to defend national sovereignty, to oppose endorsing the Free Trade Agreement and the presence of Yankee military bases in the continent, he promises to nationalize the oil and gas resources; he demands the political and material rights of the indigenous peoples and of the working classes; this has led him to gain the support of a people that is mobilized, as has been shown in these last years through the popular uprisings that have put an end to two anti-popular and pro-imperialist governments.
Morales has not only won due to the support of the indigenous peoples (Aymaras, Kichwas, Guaranis and others), but due to the support of sectors of the workers, miners, peasants, small traders, youths and unemployed who voted against neo-liberalism and for social change. Now he has a great commitment and an enormous responsibility towards a people that expects the new government to attend to their needs disregarded for years. Some social sectors (such as those organized in the Bolivian Trade Union Federation, COB) have set a time limit for Morales to meet certain demands and apply determined political measures. The level of mobilization of the masses will be a determining factor for the political program to be applied. But Evo Morales will also face a series of boycott actions from inside and outside the country promoted by U.S. imperialism and the pro-imperialist bourgeoisie. Certainly the oligarchy from Santa Cruz and that of other regions will persist in their plans for autonomy to break up Bolivia; and the demand to legalize the cultivation of coca will be taken as a pretext to call that country of the high plateau an emporium for drug trafficking, to justify interventionist actions.
We revolutionaries look with sympathy on this political victory gained by the workers and peoples of Bolivia, which is also a harsh blow to imperialism and the local bourgeoisie. The Bolivian people and their new government count on our solidarity and support in all those measures directed at striking a blow against the privileges of the ruling classes and at foreign domination; in all those actions that demand the sovereign right of that people to live with liberty and in equity.
Some facts about Bolivian reality
The last two decades of the application of neo-liberal policies in Bolivia have meant that, in the countryside, the number of wage workers has diminished from 73 thousand to 64 thousand. The number of households that work for themselves – basically with subsistence economies – went from 43 thousand to 447 thousand. In the cities, the so-called informal sector, composed of household units, artisans, based on family labor and not wage labor, grew from the 60% to 68% of the total working population. Thus, the number of people with work contracts fell from 40% to 32% of the total labor force.
Bolivia has very bad indices of income distribution, only exceeded – negatively – by Brazil. The richest 20% dispose of an income 30 times greater that the poorest 20%. Sixty percent of the population lives in poverty in the whole country, but that index reaches 90% in the rural areas. Official unemployment figures tripled in the last 17 years, since the monetary stabilization plans began to be applied, reaching 13.9%, while the proportion of persons in the "informal" sector – that is, those with precarious jobs – grew from 58% to 68% in 15 years. Infant mortality is 60 for every thousand live births, while the average for the continent is 28. Life expectancy at birth is 63 years, while the average for Latin America and the Caribbean is 70 years.
Two and a half million peasants have as their main instrument of labor the Egyptian plow, which is 3,000 years old. Modern technology is only utilized in the extraction of oil and gas, in telecommunications, the banks and in 10% of mining extraction and industrial production.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Detention of Com. Vijay
Central Committee 30-12-2005
Communist Party Of India (Maoist)
Condemn the detention of Com. Vijay alias Prasad, CC member CPI (Maoist)
Demand the unconditional release immediately!!
The Chattisgarh police arrested Com. Vijay alias Prasad on 27th of December night at Raipur City (Chattisgarh state). 48 hours elapsed so far. They are denying his arrest and refusing to produce him before court. The intelligence officials of Chattisgarh are interrogating in an undisclosed location and waiting for the arrival of the notorious and nefarious Special Intelligence Bureau (SIB) officials from AP.
Com. Vijay alias Prasad has a glorious history of participating in the revolutionary movement. Following the call of Com. Charu Majumdar, he jumped into Naxalbari movement leaving his bank job in West Bengal, and continued his journey till date. He went to Bihar to become part of the movement there in 70's and was arrested in 1973. He was kept in various prisons in west Bengal and Bihar till 1978. Inside the jail he led several struggles for the rights of the political prisoners. He stood steadfast for the unity of communist revolutionaries. The post-emergency movement to release the political prisoners forced the Bihar government to release him. Immediately he jumped into revolutionary movement and his efforts paved way to form CPI (ML) (Unity Organisation). Later it was metamorphosed into CPI (ML) (Party Unity) which led many heroic struggles in (the then) Central Bihar. He became the Secretary of the Central Committee of CPI (ML) (Party Unity) in 1987. When CPI (ML) (Party Unity) and CPI (ML) (PW) merged into CPI (ML) (PW) in 1998, Com. Vijay became its CC Member. He played an important role in the unity process between CPI (ML) (PW) and MCCI, which merged into CPI (Maoist) in September 2004. He became CC Member of the CPI (Maoist).
He reached Raipur a few days back before his arrest on 28th for medical treatment. The Chattisgarh police has notorious history of fake encounters. It is not even sparing ordinary tribal people. In the name of Salwa Judum it has raged 40 villages to ground, killed around 100 people, and raped women since August. The genocide is still continuing.
In this background it is but natural to suspect danger to Com. Vijay's life.
We appeal to all sections of people, human rights organizations in India and abroad to press for the immediate and unconditional release of Com. Vijay.
Communist Party Of India (Maoist) 30-12-2005
All India Spokesperson